
[24]   Richter, Peter  H.
The Generalized Traveling Salesman Path Problem GTSPP - An Impactful Construction Algorithm     Example  
ECCO XXXVII CONFERENCE 2024 June 6th - 8th 2024, KU Leuven - Genth Belgium    Richter, Peter H.

Presentation at the Conference ECCO XXXVII

[23]  Richter, Peter H.
Multiple Destination Tours' and Paths’ Efficient Determination in Directed Graphs - Open & Closed Routes' Fast Computation for Navigation & Logistics,
Paperback ISBN  978-1-63648-284-2, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20932.14726 , ELIVA PRESS, Aug 2021,  ecco2021 Conference Lecture:

[22]  Richter, Peter  H.
The Asymmetric Steiner Traveling Salesman Path Problem ASTSPP - Open and Closed Tours’ Efficient Determination in General Digraphs
34th Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization,
ecco2021, Madrid 10.-11.06.2021, Conference Lecture:

[21]   Richter, Peter H..:  :
AMSP and ATSP - Asymmetric Multi-Stopover and Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem - Two Efficient Algorithms each near-optimally Solving both Problems.   ResearchGate 19.04.
2013,     Example

[20]   Richter, Peter  H..:
Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem – Near Optimal Real-time Computation,  ATOS 2010,
1st International Air Transport and Operations Symposium, 14. - 16. April  2010, Delft, the Netherlands,
Proceedings of ATOS 2010I:
ISBN 978-1-60750-559-4 (online), Publisher: Delft University Press

[19]   Richter, Peter H..:
Asymmetric Traveling Salesman and Multi-stopover Problem with Turn Restrictions - Exact Real-Time Computation for Stopovers £ 10,   CEAS 2009 European Air and Space Conference (ISBN 1 85768 208 4, ISBN 1 85768 22130) , 26 -29 October 2009, Manchester, UK

[18]   Richter, Peter H..:
 Efficient Communication in Self-organizing Sensor Nets - Mathematical Foundation, Optimization Algorithm, Simulation
    CEAS 2009
European Air and Space Conference (ISBN 1 85768 208 4), 26 -29 October 2009, Manchester, UK

[17]   Richter, Peter H..:
Efficient Double Root Optimal Path Determination,
1 st CEAS European Air and Space Conference, ID CEAS-2007-706, Berlin, 10.-13.9.2007, ISSN 0700-4083 (DGLR Bonn, Germany)

[16]   Richter, Peter H.
 Optimal Path Determination Observing Turn Restrictions,
1 st CEAS European Air and Space Conference, ID CEAS-2007-707, Berlin, 10.-13.9. 2007, 0700-4083 (DGLR Bonn, Germany)

[15]   Richter, Peter H..:
Traffic Flow Layout Optimization Minimizing Routing Cost and Capacity Constraints / Road Charges,
DGLR Kongress 2006, Braunschweig, Nov 6 – Nov 9, 2006, zu dem in Jahrbuch Band II / 2006 der DGLR: ISSN 0070-4083, DGLR-2006-157    

[14]   Richter, Peter H..:
The Efficient Determination of Optimal Traffic Flow Layouts with Respect to both Transportation Cost and Road Charges,
ITSC'05 - 8th International IEEE Conference (PIN 11288), 13 - 16 Sep 2005 Vienna Austria

[13]   Richter, Peter H..:
Wiring Layout Design Reducing Cable and Trace Cost,
ISATA 2000, Dublin, Irland, 25. - 27.9. 2000. Simultaneous Engineering and Rapid Product Development, ISBN 1-902856-13-9, page 61-68. Distinction:
Award for the best paper in the Track on Simultaneous Engineering and Rapid Product Development.

[12]   Richter, Peter H..:The General Tracing Problem in Graphs -An Efficient Constructive Algorithm,
5th International Symposium on Operations Research 279-285, ISBN 961-6165--08-9, Preddvor / Slovenia, Sep 30 - Oct 2, 1999.

[11]   Richter Peter H.:    
The Efficient Embedding of Flow Graphs into Layout Graphs with Respect to Flow Intensity Weighted Minimum Tracing Cost, MCC'99 Zagreb, 21.-26.6.1999.

[10]   Richter, Peter H..:
Semi-Quadratic Assignment Problem - Pragmatic Change of the QAP's Domain Enables Attractive e-Approximation,
Keynote Lecture at the SSCC'
98 (Durban, South Africa, Sep 22-24.98, Advances in Systems, Signals, Control and Computers, Vol. 1, Ed. by V.B.Bajic, ISBN 0-620-23137-8, 1998, 69-75

[9]     Richter Peter H.:
Efficient Deterministic Approaches Solving the General Connection Problem in Graphs,
15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modeling and Applied Mathematics, Berlin, Aug 1997, Volume 2 'Numerical Mathematics'. 255-260, ISBN 3-89685-552-2, Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag Dr. Jürgen Groß

[8]     Richter Peter H.:
Efficient Shortest Path Algorithms for Road Traffic Optimization, 27th International Symposium on Advanced Transportation Applications
(ISATA): Dedicated Conference on Advanced Transport Telematics, ISBN 0947719652, Aachen, 31.10.-4.11.1994, 79-86

[7]     Richter, Peter  H..:
Present Approximate Algorithms for Steiner's Problem in Graphs - Classification and Two New Fast Approaches,
Systems Science (PL ISSN 0137-1223); Volume 17 - Number 2 1991 2-28.

[6]     Richter Peter H.:
Fabrikplanung mit Flußnetzen: Layoutoptimierung unter Berücksichtigung von Transportnetzen am Beispiel des Maschinen-Layout-Problems (Designing Plant Layouts Considering Transport Nets: Layout Optimization Exemplary Shown at the Machine Layout Problem) ZWFCIM, 10/91 (ISSN 0932-0482), #86. 1991, S. 496-499.

[5]     Richter Peter H.:
The Machine Layout Problem Considering Transport Nets,
Artificial Intelligence & Industrial Application, Leningrad, USSR, 16.-19. April 1990, 382-387.

[4]     Richter Peter H.:
A Graph-Theoretic Approach Tackling the Machine Layout Problem in FMS with Respect to Transport Networks,
Flexible Automation 90, Bratislava, 20.-23. February 1990, CSSR.

[3]     Richter Peter  H.:
Two New Efficient Approximate Algorithms Solving Steiner's Problem in Graphs,
Systems Science X, International Conference on Systems Science, scientific paper No.7, September 19-22, 1989, Wroclaw, Polen.

[2]     Richter Peter H.; Döring S.; Schiemangk C.; Taraszow O.:
Program System NETOPT, Optimization of Connection Structures in Graphs,
Ed. Iwainsky, A.; ZKI Berlin, 1985.

[1]     Richter Peter H.; Taraszow O.:
Random Graph Generation, Optimization of Connection Structures in Graphs, Ed. Iwainsky, A.; ZKI Berlin, 1985.


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